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EyesOnIt Detection of Leaking Water Pipes

Many of us have experienced the cost and frustration of a water leak in our home. Water damage causes huge headaches with repairs of flooring, walls, and furniture, not to mention the time to manage an insurance claim.  

In business and industrial environments leaks can have even more severe consequences including downtime and lost revenue. In certain environments leaks even cause unsafe conditions that could put the health and safety of workers at risk. 

While there are other solutions to detect leaks, using computer vision may be the right solution if cameras are already in place or could be installed easily. Even the video streams from existing security cameras can often be leveraged to detect leaks. 

The EyesOnIt computer vision software uses a Large Vision Model that was pre-trained using 2 billion images from across the Internet. EyesOnIt can detect leaking pipes without any further training because the training set already includes many images of leaking pipes. Users can configure EyesOnIt to detect leaking pipes using English object descriptions with almost no effort.

Once configured, EyesOnIt can process live video, archived video, and archived images allowing you to use fixed cameras, mobile cameras, or drone video as your detection source. Finally, EyesOnIt uses existing cameras and integrates with most video management systems to leverage your prior investment and minimize your cost of adoption.  

Let’s look at how EyesOnIt can be configured to detect a pipe with a water leak.  

Leaking Pipes Detection Process 

The screenshots below show the EyesOnIt test user interface which you can try yourself to test your own images. The test UI is free to use from the EyesOnIt website here.  

We’ll look at four images. Two images show leaking pipes, and two images show pipes that are not leaking. We’ll use the same English text descriptions for each of the four images to show that EyesOnIt accurately distinguishes between the two scenarios. 

For this use case, we are using the following descriptions: 

  • Object 1 Description = water leaking from pipe 

  • Object 2 Description = pipe or pipes 

With these descriptions, we’re effectively asking EyesOnIt: “Does the image look more like water leaking from a pipe, or does it look like pipes (without water leaking from them)?” When we submit these descriptions, EyesOnIt will respond with a confidence level for each description telling us which description more closely resembles the image. 

In the first image of a clearly leaking pipe, we see that EyesOnit is 99% confident that “water leaking from pipe” is a more accurate description of this image than “pipe or pipes”. That’s good, because EyesOnIt wouldn’t be very useful for leak detection if it couldn’t handle this simple example. 

Let’s look at a harder case. With the same English descriptions and a tougher image, EyesOnIt is still 99% confident that the pipe is leaking.

Now let’s look at some pipes that are not leaking to ensure that EyesOnIt doesn’t just see every pipe as a leaking pipe. In this first image below, EyesOnIt is 97% confident that “pipe or pipes” is a better description of the image than “water leaking from pipe”. In other words, EyesOnIt is very certain that the pipe in this image is not leaking. We’d prefer 99% or 100% confidence but if the gap between the confidence levels is large and consistent then we can rely on it. A 97% confidence level is plenty accurate for most purposes.

Here’s one more example where EyesOnIt is 96% confident that the pipes are not leaking.

Try EyesOnIt for Your Own Use Case  

As a reminder, EyesOnIt was not specifically trained to detect leaking pipes. You can use similar English descriptions with EyesOnIt to achieve similar accuracy detecting all kinds of objects that are included in the EyesOnIt training set of 2 billion images. And EyesOnIt is appropriate for many use cases in industrial, commercial and residential scenarios. What kinds of objects or conditions do you need to detect to save cost, increase security, or improve safety? 

Ready to try detecting objects using your own images? Interact with our free online demo and see what EyesOnIt can detect. 

As you consider the use of EyesOnIt for your use cases, here are some links for further information that you might find helpful: 

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